Serial Experiments Lain Review

Serial Experiments Lain Is an anime similar to Ghost in The Shell in theims dealing with the future of humanity and the next stage in human evolution. But where as Ghost in The Shell focuses on our physical evolution and the ethics and morality of cyborg enhancement, Serial Experiments Lain deals with communication and personal edentity in a world where we are becoming more and more connected with technology.

The question SEL poses is that as we spend more and more time online, at what point do we stop identifying with the physical world? And at what point will we have a compleete disconect from our physical reality, and how will that affect the traditional social structures that we as humans rely on.

Dispite airing in 1998, the themes it presents are even more relevent than when it first aired. And I dbout the creators could have predicted the level of which we are connected to the internet.